When the body has been overburdened with exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) toxic substances for a prolonged period of time, it loses its capacity to detoxify efficiently. It is under these unnatural conditions that we begin to manifest symptoms of toxicity and our organs are weakened. The presence of unwanted substances in the body is a very common root of illness.
The process of eliminating these unwanted substances at the cellular level addresses and corrects this imbalance. Detoxification has a beneficial effect on most chronic illnesses, because it has an impact on almost all systems of the body: cardiovascular, nervous, immune, respiratory, reproductive, gastrointestinal, urinary, skin, musculoskeletal and endocrine.
“Detoxification” refers to the body‘s ability to neutralise and safely eliminate harmful chemicals within the body. This detoxification guide is designed to enhance the body‘s innate ability to handle toxins so that the body can re-establish its natural function of detoxification. This results, in greater function of all of the body’s systems so that it is better able to cope with the daily stresses of modern life and thereby establish a higher level of health and vitality.
Current medical research has determined that the liver detoxifies in two phases, and in order to eliminate toxins from the body, both phases need to be supported. If either phase is compromised, it may result in incomplete toxic breakdown. Consequently, toxins re-enter the bloodstream from the liver and travel to various organs instead of being eliminated.
Phase I – is considered to occur predominantly during the first 3 days as toxins are initially mobilised and made more reactive. (This is when you feel tired and grumpy!)
Phase II – is the actual detoxification process where the mobilised toxic substances are neutralised and metabolised to be removed from the body through eliminatory pathways (intestines, lungs, kidneys, Lymphatic system & skin).
Food matters
Foods that support detoxification are amino acids, dark leafy green vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, asparagus, artichokes, seaweeds, and sea algaes such as spiralina and chlorella. Nutrient dense foods support detoxification, these include wheatgrass, alfalfa, and living sprouts, especially mung bean & broccoli seed sprouts.
Organic produce
If you are not able to buy organic then you can wash your vegetables in warm water with apple cider vinegar and gently rub them to break down the pesticides. Anything heavily sprayed or growing in the ground is important to be organic – broccoli, and strawberries in particular are heavily sprayed. Rinse again in fresh water before preparing.
Increased demands
Juices and super green powders
As we cleanse, we mobilize toxins from storage to be eliminated. Nutrient demands are higher to perform these tasks and to bring a burst of nutrients inside your purified cells, so fresh juices, and green powders in water will increase hydration and meet your increased demands. How much? As much as you can manage, until you feel the benefits and keep going!
Things to juice:
• Cabbage
• Parsley
• Kale
• Cucumber
• Unwaxed green apples
• Broccoli stalk
• Spinach leaves
• Carrots
• Celery and leaves
• Radish
• Beetroot (allow to stand two hours before drinking)
• Beet leaves
• Bitter leaves, (nettle, rocket, radish leaf)
• Unwaxed lemon and rind
• Garlic
• Ginger
Increase soups and broths to flush the body, and chew as you eat.
Fibre rich foods promote cleansing and provide essential phytonutrients, and support elimination of excess hormones, which are the leading cause of endocrine cancers. Fibre rich foods such as cabbage, psylium husk, flax seeds, chia seeds, green apples, leafy greens, and berries are important daily. These will also help you to feel full and keep things moving.
How and when to eat
Portion size and timing
Keep meals small, reduce the pressure on your liver while it performs its deep cleaning duties. Chew your food to increase satiety and to promote better digestion and assimilation.
Aim to finish dinner by 6.30-7.00pm
Drink fluids 20 mins before or 45 minutes after food to prevent dilution of stomach acid.
To increase stomach acid before meals, add 1 teaspoon to 10mls of warm water and drink before eating. Hydrate throughout the day with juices, teas, and water and remember to chew your liquids to promote assimilation to prevent bloating!
Incorporate aromatic spices to stimulate metabolism and give variety to taste buds. (Cayenne, ginger, garlic, turmeric, wasabi, watercress, radish)
Digestive support
Incorporate digestives (culinary herbs and teas) to relieve gas, support digestion (fennel, caraway seed, chamomile)
Upon rising
Drink 500mls warm water to awaken and flush the liver and digestive system from it sovernight activities of detoxification. Wait 20 minutes before meals. Ideally a clear broth is best before your breakfast to keep the digestive fires going.
Aim to be lying down between 10.00-11.00pm and sleeping before 12.00am.
Limit fruit to two serves per day due to its fructose content. It is better to take more vegetables due to their sulphur content which supports detoxification. Fruit is best during the day as a mid meal snack. Avoid fruit at night.
Raw food is great but it takes a lot of digestive fire to break down. Moderate the amounts and only eat raw for lunch, but not dinner when there is less digestive energy.
Trouble shooting
• In the early days, take some potassium broth, potatoes peelings, (discard rest of potato); add other vegetables or skins (woody part of cabbage etc.) simmer for 30 minutes and strain. This will prevent headaches and is great on rising with a little cayenne to push your metabolism. Consume daily until Phase 2 is achieved (day 3-5), or longer for enjoyment.
• A banana will prevent detox headache due to its potassium content. Have these handy.
• Hydrate with water, teas, juices, and sleep as much as you can.
• Hang over cure taken 3-5 daily will reduce discomfort in phase 1.
Broken sleep
Avoid liquids after dinner. Consume most before breakfast and between meals and reduce mid afternoon, so that you are not waking in the night to pass urine. Drink a small amount of sleep promotion tea after dinner. Detox will be cleansing your dreams, and thoughts so the adjustment is temporary. Rest during the day to catch up.
• Drink warm water with honey to sooth and stimulate movement.
• Take 800mg of magnesium to regulate peristalsis.
• Take Vitamin C up to 5,00mg to loosen bowls and promote movement.
• Drink 500ml fresh green apple juice (or organic cloudy apple juice) to soften the stool.
• Hydrate more with warm teas, soups, broths, and juices.
(All of the above steps can be done to promote bowel movement).
• Massage tummy in anti clockwise direction. Use water from hose in shower to gently massage externally anti clockwise on tummy (lower right quadrant (appendix) upper right (liver), transverse to upper left (spleen/pancreas) to lower left quadrant (end stage of lower intestine) transverse above pubic bone to lower right quadrant again. You can use oils to massage.
Cramps and gas
Use massage to stimulate movement, reduce liquids at meals, reduce fruit, chew liquids, and reduce meal size. This is also due to sulphur rich foods.
Physical support
Dry skin brushing
Before showering, using a dry skin brush, follow the lymphatic system towards the heart, to stimulate a sluggish and congested lymph as toxins begin to be transported. The left leg will be more congested, so ensure it is flushed more than the right leg. Moderate exercise will help, during the day, trampolining, or bouncing on a ball, along with warm herbal teas.
Detox your life
Switch off your phone, get out the reclining lounge and put your feet up and snooze.
Light moderate movement is helpful for circulation. Do not push yourself. Now is the time to listen.
Teas are a great way to support the body and tone organ systems. For digestion and detoxification support, I like the following teas, herbs and their actions.
Liver Tea
Digestion Relief
These are available on my online shop
Self prescription is not recommended without consulting your Doctor or Natural Health practitioner.
Depurative, diuretic depurative
Chronic skin disorders incl dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, rosacea, furunculosis
Gout, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis
Bitter tonic, choleretic, mild laxative, antirheumatic, cholagogue, mild diuretic
Digestive liver insufficiency, dyspepsia, flatulent colic, anorexia, constipation, gall stones, cholecystitis, gall bladder dysfunction
Rheumatism, chronic skin disorders
Choleretic, hepatoprotective, hepatic trophorestorative, cholagogue, hypocholesterolaemic, hypolipidaemic, antiemetic, diuretic, depurative
Digestive liver insufficiency, dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, gall stones, cholecystitis, gall bladder dysfunction
Gout, chronic skin conditions, food allergies / sensitivities, liver damage
Hepatoprotective, antioxidant, adaptogenic, nervine tonic, antitussive, oxytocic, mild antidepressant
Enhance phase 1/11 detoxification by the liver, chronic hepatitis, chronic liver damage, fatigue, physical stress, debility. To improve physical exercise & mental performance & concentration
Night sweats, enuresis nocturia, menopause (hot flashes, heart palpitations), SNS tone, insomnia, delays muscle fatigue
Milk Thistle
Hepatoprotective, hepatic trophorestorative, antioxidant, choleretic
Liver damage, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis A, B, C; fatty liver, chronic active hepatitis, gall stones, digestive liver insufficiency, dyspepsia, nausea, flatulent colic, constipation, flatulence, abdominal bloating, Type 2 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome X, haemochromatosis, to reduce heavy metal burden
Food allergies / sensitivities. During chemotherapy for cancer, to reduce anaesthesia toxicity
Adaptogenic - increases the body’s resistance to stressors and promotes normal physiological function
Antiemetic - reduces nausea, vomiting
Antirheumatic - prevents or relieves rheumatic symptoms
Antitussive – reduces the amount or severity of coughing
Bitter tonic – stimulates upper gastrointestinal tract
Cholagogue – increases the release of stored bile from the gallbladder
Choleretic – increases the production of bile by the liver
Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gall bladder
Depurative – improves detoxification and aids elimination to reduce the accumulation of metabolic waste products within the body. (Chronic skin and muscular-skeletal disorders)
Diuretic – increases urinary output
Diuretic depurative – assists detoxification by the kidneys
Hepatoprotective – protects the hepatocytes (liver cells) against toxic damage
Hepatotrophorestorative – restores the integrity of liver tissue
Hypocholesterolaemic reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood
Hypolipidaemic reduces the lipid level (cholesterol & triglycerides) of blood
Mild laxative – facilitates evacuation of the bowel
Oxytocic – causes contraction of the uterine muscle in association with giving birth
I'd love to hear what you thought, let me know in the comments section. You can share this information if you think someone will find it useful.
Be well