Treatment For Behavior Disorders
Get the Whole Picture with Our Natural Treatment for Behavior Disorders
Many times when your child is in treatment for behavior disorders, ADHD, Spectrum Disorders, Gut Health, the plan excludes important contributing factors such as nutrition and past traumas. Homeopath and naturopath, Renée Blanchardt is available to help you focus on the whole health of your child and address all underlying causes that can lead to behavior disorders, ADHD, as well as Spectrum Disorders. Also, gut health, processing difficulties, learning difficulties, cognitive difficulties, social skills as well as hyperactivity. Her natural approach ensures that all the nutritional needs of the child are fulfilled with a varied and tasty meal plan. Anxiety and stress can be minimized through the use of homeopathic and holistic treatments. Adjustments to your lifestyle encourage physical activity to further promote a healthy mind and body. Combined, these efforts can result in an effective treatment for behavior disorders that avoid unnecessary drugs and restrictive environments.
Schedule your first visit with Renee by giving her a call or dropping an email. After a thorough interview and examination, together you will create a plan able to better support your child through their entire life.